Ebook {Epub PDF} The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier
The Silver Sword. By Ian Serraillier First published First published in the New Windmill Series Heinemann Educational Books Ltd Oxford ISBN 0 5. The Silver Sword When Joseph Balicki escaped from his Nazi prison, it took him four and a half weeks to walk back to Warsaw.4/5(44). · The Silver Sword, by Ian Serraillier The Story The Silver Sword is the story of four Polish siblings and their experience of the war and its aftermath. When their father, the head teacher of a Polish primary school, turned a portrait of Hitler to face the wall, the Nazis found. The Silver Sword study guide contains a biography of Ian Serraillier, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. .
The Silver Sword Summary Ian Serraillier. Everything you need to understand or teach The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier. Download the Study Guide. The Silver Sword Summary Study Guide; The Silver Sword Summary. The Silver Sword realistically presents the problems of war as seen through the eyes of a Polish family torn apart by World War II. Ian Serraillier (24 September - 28 November ) was an English novelist and poet. He retold legends from England, Greece and Rome and was best known for his children's books, especially The Silver Sword (), a wartime adventure story that the BBC adapted for television in and again in Ian Serraillier (Septem - Novem), was a British novelist and poet. Serraillier was best known for his children's books, especially the Silver Sword (Novel) (), a wartime adventure story which was adapted for television by the BBC in and again in Born in London, Serraillier was educated at Brighton College, and took his degree at St Edmund Hall, Oxford.
The Silver Sword. Submitted by Nigel Bernard on Fri, 01/22/ - The Silver Sword* was written by Ian Serraillier and published in It is the wartime story of the three Balicki children, Ruth, Edek, and Bronia, aided by their friend, Jan, as they try to reach Switzerland in the hope of meeting up again with their father and mother. Background to the Novel. Ian Serraillier began to write The Silver Sword in , a mere six years after the end of World War Two. It took five years to research and complete. The Silver Sword study guide contains a biography of Ian Serraillier, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.